Our Beliefs
To Know Jesus Christ, The Son of God, and to Make Him Known
However you got here, wherever you are in your faith journey, we hope to connect you with information and inspiration in the Holy Spirit. We take our call to God through Jesus Christ seriously, with joy and curiosity. What does that mean to us?
It means that we are followers of Jesus in a complex world where we explore the truth of our faith in community:
- We are as followers of Jesus in our lives, every day.
- We are here to bring the Kingdom of God to the complex, ambiguous, volatile, uncertain world of the 21st century.
- From all of our different places on the spiritual path, we look for common ground.
- We are open and welcoming to difference in all its beautiful manifestations and stand, as Jesus would, with the world.
- We use discipleship, servanthood, and proclamation as our way.
- Being Episcopalian means being involved. It does not mean we need to agree or be perfect.
Our Mission: To Know Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and make Him known.
Contact Information
The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration
PO BOX 1000
19 Vail Road
Vail, CO 81658
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