2025 Annual Stewardship Commitment

New Wine, Old Skins






To Know Jesus Christ, The Son of God, and to Make Him Known

Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration Depends on Your Contribution!

ECOT gratefully accepts financial gifts by check, Sunday Plate, Automatic Withdrawal, Credit Card and Stock Gift Transfers. Feel free to call the church office if you have questions or need more assistance, (970) 476-0618.

I still believe in that incredible dream that in 2025 ALL of our church family will return a pledge card! We will be asking our members to pledge one of four ways :  online (below), text ‘PLEDGE’ to 970-500-5130, via a printed pledge card, or leave your pledge in the pledge bowl located outside of each Sunday Worship service, now through October 6th, Stewardship Sunday.

Together, our future is bright!
I am yours in Christ

JP Power


2024 Pledges via check can be postmarked by January 5th but Dated in 2024



Pay Via Cash, Money Order, or Check

Fill out the pledge form online and submit.

– OR –

Print out pledge card
and mail it with your payment to :

Attn : Margie Ciaccio
PO BOX 1000
Vail, CO 81658


Bring it to one of our Sunday Worship Services with your payment


Pay Via ACH, Google Pay, or CC

Fill out the form below or Text ‘PLEDGE‘ to : 970-500-5130 to quickly access our electronic pledge form directly from your phone.

For one time pledge payments, you will need to select ‘One Time‘ located on the upper right side of the form before selecting your fund and entering your pledge amount.

Be sure to go through each step to complete your pledge.

Please contact our Office Manager at (970) 476-0618
or email us at office@episcopalvail.com


The following form is for ACH, Google Pay, or Credit Card payments only…

September 24, 2024

Dear ECOT Sisters and Brothers,

It’s that pledgin’ time again dear friends! Thank you for your prayers, your presence, your participation, your passion, and now, in advance, for your generous pledge of time, talent and treasure to support Transfiguration’s 2025 Pledge Drive! Our 2025 Ministry Theme is New Wine, Fresh Skins, quoted from Jesus’ teaching about how the Kingdom of the Heavens will transform all things into a new creation reflecting God’s divine vision for this world. As far away as this vision seems to be these days, ECOT serves as a portal and ambassador to God’s gracious sovereignty, an island of grace, strength, love and forgiveness in a chaotic time. This year we are already ahead of last year’s ministry numbers, stretching to serve more souls in more ways than ever before. Other countries, 16 states, across Colorado, our High Country neighborhood, all of Eagle County, our congregation and each of us…..our ministry is a privilege made possible by your strong, passionate support.

Entering my 30 th year of service to this church, for me this Pledge Drive is a harvest of gratitude. I could not imagine being here past my two-year commitment in early October 1995, and it has been my life’s honor to serve you. I have committed to our Vestry to stay in place for 2025 so you have the assurance of stable leadership as you pray over your commitment to Transfiguration. All of us, Vestry and staff and leaders, pledge so we are all in next to you! I am so grateful for you and your active partnership with us. I am grateful to serve in such a significant place. I am uplifted to serve alongside such quality leaders as our Senior Warden Suzanne Gilbert, our faithful Vestry, talented Staff and dedicated lay leaders. Your support empowers us to retain the highest-level talent available in today’s Episcopal church and share a living wage with benefits for us and for our families. For that I am most grateful! Our distinctive interfaith chapels, our numerous mission partners and caring organizations near and far, our children and youth and young adults, and all those needing pastoral support during critical moments of their lives….your generosity saves and changes lives in Jesus’ Name!!

We ask you to join us. Everyone can do something, and we need your generous support for 2025 to be a year of New Wine fitting into Fresh Skins!! A few uber-wealthy families do not and can never healthily underwrite a congregation of Transfiguration’s size and complexity. No, we need you to do that, and God will bless and multiply your pledge in ways we cannot begin to ask for or even imagine! Help us stay strong, committed and capable both this year as we approach a chaotic election season and also in 2025 by submitting your pledge alongside ours on Sunday, October 6 th at worship or electronically through our website. Go to episcopalvail.com and select “Give Today” at the top for more information and to submit your pledge or gift virtually. Thank you now more than ever, and may God bless us all through serving in His holy name!

Warmly and gratefully in our Lord,

Contact Information


The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration

PO BOX 1000
19 Vail Road
Vail, CO 81658

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