Soothing the Savage Beast

Soothing the Savage Beast

Spiritual habits come in all shapes and sizes….not all concern deprivation or some acrobatically ascetic practice.  For many right now, as well as for me, a good night’s sleep is as elusive and as salutary as any habit one could adopt.  And may I postulate soul...
Catch and Release

Catch and Release

So during this pre-Holy Week week we will be preparing ourselves for Holy Week itself, the Triduum and the Easter cycle of celebration itself.  And yes, we will be learning some new Easter vocabulary words as we move towards Easter and a surprise announcement...
Riding the Fences

Riding the Fences

My mother was a multi-talented woman, and one of her many talents was serving as a prayer “warrior,” spiritual counselor and guide for others in the Christian life through trauma and pain.  She taught me a prayer technique for challenging times which came to mind this...
The Other Book

The Other Book

Thank you for coming with me on that three day biblical journey, but today let’s consider our other book, the monumental Book of Common Prayer.  One need not be either Anglican (our umbrella term for any Christian anywhere) worshipping in the tradition of the Church...


Reading the bible is different for me than reading any other book.  For me, the bible is primer, resource, encyclopedia, novel, companion, dissertation, love letter, adventure, gateway, mini-series, drama, history and personal journal…at least for starters!  So I...
A Strategic Epilogue to Yesterday

A Strategic Epilogue to Yesterday

Yesterday I implored you to find, situate, open and read any bible you have in your possession.  Let’s refine that spiritual habit of bible reading a bit more strategically today.  Here are some resources and suggestions to make your bible reading fruitful...
We Are What We Read

We Are What We Read

For those of you wondering where your Lenten reflections actually went these past few days, worry not!  Let’s get off of movies and into books!  My parents taught me to read before I learned more formally at school, and my room growing up was littered with books of...

Space for Prayer

Did you create a dedicated prayer space within your home during COVID?  As a traditionalist I have always thought it best to use each space for what’s it is intended for….the dining room table is not a workspace, for instance, but the central place to sit and enjoy a...


Part of any Lenten journey is the experimentation with new and different spiritual habits, or if you prefer, life habits for the Christian journey.  Some are enduring and non-negotiable, like Sunday communal worship, regular reading of and reflection upon God’s word,...