Ballot Day

Ballot Day

One of my honors as a local pastor has been to serve as an election judge in Eagle County’s Clerk and Recorder’s Office since the 2016 Presidential election.  What an honor to work alongside such dedicated, passionate, durable and honest civil servants of both...
Separation from God

Separation from God

An uncontrolled virus threatening unpredictable, systemic international contagion.  Easily transmitted by physical contact but evidence suggests airborne transmission is also possible.  Undetectable in its earliest incubation but can rapidly advance attacking key...
Inner Reflection

Inner Reflection

The First Sunday of Lent, the moment when many Episcopalians (at least) encounter the drastic change in the tone, tenor and feel of Sunday worship.  This transition from Epiphany to Lent is perhaps the most dramatic tonal shift in our Prayer Book worship tradition, as...
Step by Step

Step by Step

No Lenten devotional would be complete without visiting the pioneering, foundational Twelve Steps of the personal recovery movement.  The theological influence immediately evident derives from an Episcopal priest, Father Sam Shoemaker, as we saw yesterday.  I present...


Hmmmm, one day into Lent and already my Lent Madness brackets are being trampled.  I supported James the Less versus Thomas More, and the controversial English Reformation opponent prevailed.  I suppose that Less is truly not More! And Andrew, the patron saint of...


Lots of “Re’s” in our world right now….rebuild, reframe, refocus, to name a few.  It is undoubtedly a season of recovery.  I’m finding it helpful to look towards experts in personal recovery for wisdom in how to be in moments like this.  Those experts are the...
Ashes to Go 2023

Ashes to Go 2023

Our fearless leaders took to the streets on Wednesday, February 22  – not to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but to distribute Ashes to Christians from the Vail Valley and the world! Father Brooks was stationed in the center of Vail Village, at the cross...