Children's Ministry






We have specially crafted ministries for young children to welcome them into the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration family through our extensive Children’s Ministry program led by director Mary Cotton.

Sunday School

10:00 – Children arrive and go directly to bathroom to wash hands. They then go to the table and eat snack. Teachers take attendance at this time.
10:15 – Classroom and sit down for gathering prayer

  1. group introduction- hello with names
  2. song

10:25 – Lesson
10:40 – Activity
10:50 ish – Hand outs and go back to church reverently. Join families in saying the “Our Father”

Teachers can stay and clean up or come back after the service.

Godly Play

Our Children’s Ministry program focuses on Godly Play, a story-based religious education curriculum that is based on the pioneering work of Maria Montessori and Sofia Caveletti. It is a curriculum that honors a child’s natural sense of the sacred and seeks to provide a richly structured environment in which the religious potential of a child may freely develop. Each lesson is presented in a story form based on Holy Scripture and provides sensorial materials that children can work with in a safe, stimulating environment. The stories are appropriate for children of all ages.

If you have any questions please call Mary Cotton.

Contact Information


The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration

PO BOX 1000
19 Vail Road
Vail, CO 81658

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