Thanksgiving Basket Volunteers Thank you for volunteering to unload the Salvation Army's Thanksgiving food assembly. Here is the schedule for Thanksgiving at Avon Elementary School (AES): We were hoping to have our Thanksgiving food truck arrive on the 22nd of November after school hours. We would likely work until about 8:00 - 9:00 PM that […]
Thanksgiving Basket Volunteers Thank you for volunteering to unload the Salvation Army's Thanksgiving food assembly. Here is the schedule for Thanksgiving at Avon Elementary School (AES): We will continue to assemble 200-300 food bags at 8:30am on November 23rd, with the distribution starting at 9:00 am. Avon Elementary School850 W. BC Blvd. Avon. Questions:970-390-8483. We […]
Join ECOT for Sunday Worship at the Edwards Interfaith Chapel Live streaming of the Vail Service can be found on our YouTube Channel. Service is then available any time to view at your convenience.Contact InformationThe Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration PO BOX 100019 Vail RoadVail, CO 81658Sign Up for Our Email Updates Follow Us on […]