Men's B.I.T.E All Men Welcome! Please join us for a delicious breakfast, fellowship, theology and more - located either at the parish rectory in Edwards (includes breakfast), or via Zoom (bring your own breakfast). Don't miss out on this great opportunity to spend quality time with other men in our church family and learn more […]
Adult Bible Study All Adults Welcome! Please join us for great fellowship, theology and more - located either at the parish rectory in Edwards or via Zoom. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to spend quality time with other folks in our church family and learn more about the Bible in all its intricacies. […]
Adult Bible Study All Adults Welcome! Please join us for great fellowship, theology and more - via Zoom. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to learn more about the Bible in all its intricacies. Zoom Link if you are unable to attend in person: ID: 834 4636 4706Contact InformationThe Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration […]
Christmas Food Volunteers Thank you for volunteering to unload the Salvation Army's Thanksgiving food assembly and distribution We will be assembling food bags starting at 8:30 and distribution will begin at 9:00 a.m. Thank you! Avon Elementary School850 W. BC Blvd. Avon. Questions:970-390-8483. We will meet at Avon Elementary School for food assembly and distribution […]
Join ECOT for Advent IV at the Vail Interfaith Chapel Live streaming of the Vail Service can be found on our YouTube Channel. Service is then available any time to view at your convenience.Contact InformationThe Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration PO BOX 100019 Vail RoadVail, CO 81658Sign Up for Our Email Updates Follow Us on […]
Join ECOT for Advent IV at the Edwards Interfaith Chapel Live streaming of the Vail Service can be found on our YouTube Channel. Service is then available any time to view at your convenience. Contact InformationThe Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration PO BOX 100019 Vail RoadVail, CO 81658Sign Up for Our Email Updates Follow Us […]