What Can You Do To Help?
Check out the many ways you can support Salvation Army & help your community. Click the links below to sign up.
- Food Box Delivery – We have a huge truck coming from Feed the Children on Wed Nov 17 at 4pm. We will be unloading 800 boxes into Avon Elementary. We need up to 25 strong people to unload & organize for 2-3hrs. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e45a9a7283-food.
- Food Box Organizing – On Friday, Nov 19 at 4pm, we need strong people for about 2 hours who will be moving the boxes into locations around Avon Elementary for distribution the next day. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E45A9A7283-friday1
- Thanksgiving Baskets Delivery – On Sat, Nov 20 at 8:30am we will begin delivering food baskets throughout the valley. Take as many baskets as you would like. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E45A9A7283-food1
- Bellringing – Ring the Salvation Army Bell. Locations throughout the Valley and shifts from Nov 26-Dec 24. Great to do with friends, family and pets! Pick a location, then a date and time. https://bellringer.salvationarmyvail.org/
- Adopt a Family – Typically this means purchasing a toy, gift card or other items for a family in need. We will provide you with a family and more information and instructions. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e45a9a7283-adopt
- Food Pantry – You will be helping people receive food, organizing and cleaning. This is fun to do with friends or family. Masks required while in the building. Shifts are Monday – Friday 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c084aa9a623a64-salvation