Make It So

Make It So

Sir Patrick Stewart, one of England’s leading Shakespearian actors, recently reprised his role as Jean Luc Picard for CBS’s lucrative Star Trek franchise.  Admiral Picard is universally regarded as amongst the most famous science fiction cinematic characters of all...
Triduum Special Reflection

Triduum Special Reflection

What a pleasure during this Lenten journey to share a small portion of sacred vocabulary with you.  And here we come to one of the most significant titles for Christian worship in the latter half of the Great Week.  Triduum in Latin of course means the three days,...
I Spy

I Spy

Not Holy Wednesday, in case you were guessing.  Spy Wednesday is today in the Great Week.  Egeria provides the answer why.  Following the same worship schedule like the past two days, Bishop Cyril, after the evening worship and blessing in the Church of the Holy...
The Least of These

The Least of These

Welcome to Holy Tuesday, the third day of the Great Week.  For Egeria this day mirrored yesterday except for the very end.  She describes a special hike after the final evening blessing back up Mount Olivet to a small church near the Gethsemane, very late, as Bishop...

Claim the Day

Our earliest Christian forebears (often called the “primitive church” by scholars who seemingly never perceived the derogatory implication of that term) lived in a terribly brutal world.  Recall that while both Jesus and the Apostle Paul enjoyed financial and personal...


Yes, you can say with me slowly…Hep-DOM-eh-dare-ree, a hybrid Greek-Latin term meaning People Who Kept a Week.  Today we begin to keep the week of all Christian weeks, the holiest, most sacral chronology of the entire Christian year.  Today we transform into pilgrims...
That is the Question

That is the Question

We’ll let the Bard ponder whether to be or not to be, just one big ontological headache if you ask me.  That’s not our question as we transition from the Lenten season, speaking of ontology for goodness’ sakes (Okay Lenten Reflection Self Editor here…we apologize for...
Good for the Soul

Good for the Soul

As we progress towards Holy Week, I am skipping the very tempting April Fool’s urge here due to our current moment to focus upon getting ready for next week.  Our final Lenten habit, one so familiar to Roman and Anglican Catholics and so odd to more Protestant and...
With God’s Help

With God’s Help

Thank you for joining me on this 40 day journey of daily Lenten reflections.  When we began, I was encouraged me to commit to a daily discipline of writing, which has been far more intensive and far more gratifying than I ever imagined.  Thank you so much for your...