Shalom Aleichem

Shalom Aleichem

Okee dokee smokee, here’s where John veers off the resurrection reservation bigtime!  Read John 20:19-23.  Remember for Luke the Resurrection of Jesus is paired with His ascension into heaven during one very long day?!  Well here, in John, the Resurrection is paired...
Table for Two

Table for Two

We continue our Johnannine resurrection journey with the candlelight flickering upon the corner table barely large enough for two in close quarters.  This is the anti-social distance resurrection story, and if my interpretation shocks you, well…..good.  While I have...
Take Your Marks

Take Your Marks

For the final time we return to the Empty Tomb, this time in John 20:1-10.  Note the distinctive Johnannine features.  Mary Magdalene visits alone here, not to complete the burial details (as Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus have already accomplished) but just to...
Yes, You in the Back!

Yes, You in the Back!

We now arrive to our final grouping of resurrection texts, and finally, to a scriptural neighborhood with which I am actually acquainted!  Whew!  Our final texts cohere under the broad umbrella of John, or using a more accurate descriptor, Johnannine, meaning they use...

And the Rest…

Poor Professor and Mary Ann.  Yes, loyal readers it’s time to sit right back and hear a tale!  How can we speak about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and not include…Gilligan’s Island?!  This beloved 1960’s television cult classic, the godfather of Survivor and...
April 30 Worship Service

April 30 Worship Service

Welcome to the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Vail, Colorado We welcome you to watch our worship service below for some perspective, peace, contemplation and reflection. Contact Information  970.476.0618   The Episcopal Church...
It Is Not For You

It Is Not For You

When?!  When does this isolation conclude?!  When can we get back to work?!  When is there an effective treatment?!  When do we get a vaccine?!  When??!!  Well, let’s turn to an authority on schedules for more insight….we welcome into the Eastertide Reflection studio...
You Are Witnesses

You Are Witnesses

Luke 24 is truly the scriptural gift which just keeps on giving!  But sadly we have reached the end…or have we?!  Today we (kinda) close with Luke 24:44-53, again, all on this very extended Easter Day.  Again we come geographically close to Jerusalemite churches, the...
I’m Starving!

I’m Starving!

It strains credulity that all of Luke 24 occurs in a single day…and Luke presents it exactly like that!  Whew!  And hey, since we have 50 days of Eastertide I don’t mind pacing us through these magnificent resurrection passages!  Today let’s reflect upon Luke...