Palm Sunday Worship Service (3/24/24)

Palm Sunday Worship Service (3/24/24)

Welcome to the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Vail, Colorado We welcome you to watch our worship service below for some perspective, peace, contemplation and reflection. VIEW BULLETIN Contact Information  970.763.5945   The...
Droughtlander Reflection Style

Droughtlander Reflection Style

Yes, dear readers, I somehow forgot to work in a reference to the wildly popular pop culture literary and small screen phenomenon that is Outlander.  The kids got Harry, the tweens got Bella, the teens got (well, kinda hosed as they received multiple knock-offs of...


Fun with history!  Boy can those British forebears complicate the $#%@ out of such a simple Christian festival!  A blessed and happy Pentecost to all, the Christian festival of the Holy Spirit lighting upon those original disciples (plus one) to unleash nascent...
Coming Attractions

Coming Attractions

Tomorrow culminates the Great Fifty Days of Easter, or Eastertide as I have called this very special time in the annual life of a liturgical Christian church.  To luxuriate in the light from the Empty Tomb.  To see Jesus astonish, rehabilitate, challenge, reveal,...
Adieu, Egeria!

Adieu, Egeria!

It’s sadly, finally time to bid my 4th century Spanish nun/adventure traveler/pilgrim Egeria a fond, bittersweet farewell.  It seems only right to hear her one more time now, as the recovered portion of her travel journal abruptly terminates just after her riveting...
More Stump, More Chump!

More Stump, More Chump!

Newbie from Cordie writes, “Dear Chump, you have provided questions or thoughts to ponder which have been great. Could you dig deeper into Christian meditations and ask readers to share what they receive from it? It might be kind of neat to hear what God is saying to...

Stump the Ordained Chump Returns!

It’s time for your questions dear readers!  Can you stump the ordained chump?! East Vail Doctor writes, “Dear Chump, Can you explain the Gospel of John’s term ‘glorification?’” Dear Doc, The word Glory or its derivations appear some 300 times in the Bible, over 22...
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

The evangelist Luke tells us in Acts chapter 1 that following Jesus’ Ascension His (sorry cannot help it) followers took care of some housekeeping details, something akin to spring cleaning.  Read Acts 1:15-26 to see how they did it.  With Judas Iscariot dead by his...