Burning Hearts

Burning Hearts

Yesterday we explored Luke’s traditional Easter narrative to begin Luke 24.  But today, we depart any extant resurrection text to happily traverse uniquely Lukan material, a hugely consequential story to our Prayer Book worship and indeed to the entire catholic...
He Is Not Here!

He Is Not Here!

Between the evangelist Luke and his mentor Paul, the two provide roughly 1/4th of all Christian scripture.  Their perspective is unique and constitutive for any serious believer.  While Paul evidently felt no need to narrate his encounter with the Risen Jesus, Luke...

Falling in Love

We pause roughly mid-way through our New Testament resurrection jaunt to simply take a reflective moment to fall in love.  For me these reflections have become such an integral part of my daily tether to Jesus and also to each of you dear brothers and sisters. ...
Go Therefore

Go Therefore

Matthew ends his resurrection chapter, and his gospel story, with a bang!  After the geologic, tectonic,  meteorological and supernal fireworks earlier in chapter 28, that’s really saying something!  But there are two very significant elements of Matthew’s second and...

April 23 Worship Service at St. Barts in NYC

Welcome to the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Vail, Colorado We welcome you to watch our worship service below for some perspective, peace, contemplation and reflection. Contact Information  970.476.0618  office@episcopalvail.com  The Episcopal Church...
April 23 Worship Service

April 23 Worship Service

Welcome to the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Vail, Colorado We welcome you to watch our worship service below for some perspective, peace, contemplation and reflection. Contact Information  970.476.0618  office@episcopalvail.com  The Episcopal Church...
Under My Feet

Under My Feet

Yep, we begin with a Carole King homage, and it is beautiful!  In Matthew’s Gospel, we really can feel the earth move under our feet, and it sure beats the Walking Dead reference after all!  What in the hey?!  For centuries, Matthew’s Gospel enjoyed the pre-eminent...
We Interrupt This Reflection…

We Interrupt This Reflection…

Following exploration of the New Testament’s two earliest resurrection sources, Pauline and Markan in that order, I pause before continuing to Matthew, Luke, John and others.  Have you ever wondered why Paul did not author a gospel?  Have you ever wondered why there...
You Go First!

You Go First!

Oh, the Indiana Jones’ tropes will fly as we tackle Mark’s secondary and tertiary endings!  While scholars debate endlessly about Mark 16:8b-19 (just examine your study bible notes to confirm), I’ve been waiting for weeks to drop this Raiders of the Lost Ark ode to...