Under My Feet

Under My Feet

Yep, we begin with a Carole King homage, and it is beautiful!  In Matthew’s Gospel, we really can feel the earth move under our feet, and it sure beats the Walking Dead reference after all!  What in the hey?!  For centuries, Matthew’s Gospel enjoyed the pre-eminent...
We Interrupt This Reflection…

We Interrupt This Reflection…

Following exploration of the New Testament’s two earliest resurrection sources, Pauline and Markan in that order, I pause before continuing to Matthew, Luke, John and others.  Have you ever wondered why Paul did not author a gospel?  Have you ever wondered why there...
You Go First!

You Go First!

Oh, the Indiana Jones’ tropes will fly as we tackle Mark’s secondary and tertiary endings!  While scholars debate endlessly about Mark 16:8b-19 (just examine your study bible notes to confirm), I’ve been waiting for weeks to drop this Raiders of the Lost Ark ode to...
Read Mark, Learn & Digest

Read Mark, Learn & Digest

Our Vicar Emeritus always loved the Collect of the Day imploring us to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest God’s word!  He joked one year about removing that consequential comma between read and mark thus rendering the Collect’s direction to read the Gospel of Mark,...

Stump the Ordained Chump!

We take a brief respite from Resurrection to query the digital crowd!  After 58 daily reflections dating from February 27th, if anyone can recall that far back, I am taking roll call amongst our readers!  We’ve surveyed so much scripture, Prayer Book, history,...
Grace and Peace

Grace and Peace

The renowned 20th century Scottish evangelical biblical scholar Dr. F.F. Bruce authored his magnum opus on the Apostle Paul with the best title ever!  Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free was Dr. Bruce’s masterwork contribution to 20th century Pauline studies,...
I Am Jesus

I Am Jesus

Although chronologically out of order, it seems logical to keep all of our Pauline resurrection moments together.  Yesterday we visited with Paul’s own account of encountering the Risen Christ, but Paul is laconic in his several citations of this life-changing...

Out of Time

The New Testament contains approximately 17 instances in 8 books of the resurrected Jesus appearing and interacting with various disciples.  Not all are as obvious as you might think, so I thought we might spend this week visiting several to listen to our Risen Lord...
He Has Rosen!

He Has Rosen!

The very best Easter acclamation I ever heard came from our young daughter very early one Easter morning as she excitedly rushed into our bedroom, realizing what morning it was.  “Daddy, Daddy, he’s…..Rosen!” she exclaimed, teaching me that verbal past tense is a...