Resurrection Review

Resurrection Review

Today seems like the proper moment to look back before we look forward.  The 10 days between the Feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost frequently feel like that liminal space, a long exhale from the (liturgical at least) rigors of the salvific march we began way back...
Pump You Up!

Pump You Up!

A popular Saturday Night Live skit from the late 1980’s spoofed the body-building movement headed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.  For a brief refresher see here.  Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon’s memorable Hans and Franz are a perfect introduction to today’s Reflection...
No! In All These Things…

No! In All These Things…

Well now Paul had his peaks and his troughs didn’t he?  Yesterday, a trough.  Today, a peak!  His intense experience of resurrection living gave Paul the clarity to pen this beloved scripture, again from Romans: Who will separate us from the love of God?!…No, in...
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Sorry.  There is no other suitable title for this unsuitable subject.  Ask a military veteran for translation, or perhaps not.  Yes, Paul knew this encoded message of astonished confusion very well even though he used slightly (but not much) differing language.  So we...
We Interrupt this Reflection…

We Interrupt this Reflection…

Ascension Happens!  Breaking Reflection News!!  Has anyone been tracking 40 days beginning Easter Day, April 12th?!  Just as Luke narrates it, Happy Ascension Day dear readers!  Geeky Episcopalians call today one of the Red Letter Feasts, because in the earliest...
En Cristo

En Cristo

Στον Χριστό En Christo.  Literally, In or into Christ.  Paul wasn’t picky with his prepositions ending with Christo!  With Christ, through Christ, by Christ…just about any motional preposition will do!  While yesterday we explored the oddly comforting yet rarely...
No Longer I

No Longer I

Yesterday we reflected upon the profound nature of God revealed in gospel resurrection, namely the eucatastrophic nature of God’s love, as the former great Episcopal Bishop of Colorado Bill Frey summarized with his pithy quote, “God’s never late but rarely early!”  As...
May 14 Worship Service

May 14 Worship Service

Welcome to the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Vail, Colorado We welcome you to watch our worship service below for some perspective, peace, contemplation and reflection. Contact Information  970.476.0618   The Episcopal Church...


As you may well know, one of my enduring spiritual directors is the 20th century English Oxford Don, World War I veteran, faithful Roman Catholic, poet laureate and Godfather of Fantasy Fiction, Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.  Tolkien’s pioneering literary...