Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

Dear readers, in this penultimate daily devotional, we close our Epiphanytide season.  We also step through a major liminal threshold as we pass from the Advent/Incarnation/Epiphany focus of our Christian liturgical calendar to the Lent/Easter/Pentecost focus.  Both...
Waffles or Apples for All!

Waffles or Apples for All!

Happy Last Sunday of Epiphany ya’ll!  Seriously, that’s the official prayer book designation for today!  By tradition we close Epiphanytide with the greatest Epiphanic moment of Jesus’ ministry short of the cross and empty tomb, His Transfiguration!!  But since we’ve...


It has been my honor to introduce you to many varied Christian personages throughout these reflections and devotionals, many you already know at least by reputation.  It is my honor to introduce you to our last saint, one you may not know, but one of our most...


Late last year I saw a friend in the Homestead Court Club weight room.  As he was leaving I said casually, “Take care.  See you back soon!”  His reply?  “No, not in here for awhile!”  Curious, I asked him why.  His answer fascinated me.  He explained he was initiating...
While You Were Quarantining Part Three Part Two

While You Were Quarantining Part Three Part Two

All Saints enjoys some spectacular hymnody!  Two of my favorites are I Sing a Song of the Saints of God and For All the Saints.   Lesbia Lesley Scott (1898-1986) penned Sing to entertain and teach her three young children more about All Saints Day.  Evidently it...
While You Were Quarantining Part Three Part One

While You Were Quarantining Part Three Part One

I’d like to close our liturgical calendar circle by re-visiting the final significant holidays of the Christian year we missed previously.  Come fall harvest time, as agricultural societies the world over frantically harvest their crops and autumnal leaves adorn...


This descriptor appears in Holy Scripture some 144 times.  6 of those usages involve arms.  Others modify walls or other dividers either physical or spiritual.  But this descriptor by far is reserved for modifying only one essential element of human...
Send in the Eagles!

Send in the Eagles!

Anyone who knows me well knows my disinclination for late 1960’s/early 1970’s American pop music, some of which tragically made its way into the Episcopal church of my childhood.  While Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the Wind performed by earnest young south Tampa mothers...
Mercury is What Again?!

Mercury is What Again?!

Breaking News….we interrupt this Epiphanytide to update you that….Mercury is retrograde until February 21st.  February’s full moon this year is on the 27th of this month.  I’m also sure some planets will soon be aligning….blah(things) blah (are) blah (really)...