The Greatest of These

The Greatest of These

The greatest of all Christmas gifts are never under the tree.  The greatest gift of all is Jesus, love come down to us right here, this year, now. 

Believing Thomas!

Believing Thomas!

Today is how the church disrespects one of her own, and let’s put that right.  We considered the Apostle Thomas, hung with moniker “Doubting,” some time ago in the Great Fifty Days of Easter…



Well now, this is interesting.  As if 2020 didn’t throw us enough, here comes cosmology too!  How many times does God have to wave a divine astrometric hand right in front of us?! 

Knock Knock!

Knock Knock!

Mother Emily and I agree.  We both consider the Collect, or gathering prayer, for the Fourth Sunday of Advent to be one of our favorite prayers of the Christian year…



Today, the Fourth and final Sunday in this too-brief Advent, we finally meet her.  The Queen of Heaven, Mother of all, Eternally Virginal, Luke’s first Apostle, Theotokos…

Oh, So Many Oh’s!!!

Oh, So Many Oh’s!!!

The second of our Advent hymns is brought to you by the letter “O,” as in the well known O Come, O Come Emmanuel! 

Repent Part II

Repent Part II

Yesterday we met fiery John the Baptizer, calling 1st century Judaism to radical repentance to prepare for the coming of Messiah…

Repent, Part One

Repent, Part One

Dear readers, may I introduce you to John the Baptizer, the enigmatic 1st century Jewish seer who singlehandedly resuscitated the great Jewish prophetic tradition from its near hibernation…

Stir It Up, L’il Darlin’!

Stir It Up, L’il Darlin’!

With all due respect to Bob Marley and the Wailers, the Third Sunday in Advent is often nicknamed “Stirrup Sunday” because of the fantastic Collect for this third week of our Advent journey.