Advent Devotionals
To Know Jesus Christ, The Son of God, and to Make Him Known
For Advent this year, Father Brooks recommends the following book of daily devotionals written by the very talented poet, laureate Malcom Guite, priest, poet and amazing theologian.
Advent is a season of waiting and anticipation in which the waiting itself is strangely rich and fulfilling. Poetry can help us fathom the depths of Advent’s many paradoxes: dark and light, emptiness and fulfilment, ancient and ever new. For every day from Advent Sunday to Christmas Day and beyond, the bestselling poet Malcolm Guite chooses a favourite poem from across the Christian spiritual and English literary traditions and offers incisive seasonal reflections on it.
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December 24th 4th Sunday of Advent Service
Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Vail Valley, welcomes you in viewing our fourth Sunday of Advent service on Christmas Eve morning…
December 10th Worship Service
Welcome to the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Vail, Colorado We welcome you to watch our worship service below for some perspective, peace, contemplation and reflection.Contact InformationThe Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration PO BOX 100019 Vail...
Love Come Down
Dearest Sisters and Brothers, we have to bid a very consequential and challenging Advent season goodbye, and pass over to the Eve of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ…or do we?
Make A New (Christmas) Plan, Stan!
What’s your Nativity plan? We need a Yule strategey here, and in this special bonus devotional, I want to provide some provocative, diverse options for you as we all make a new plan, Stan!
Lessons & Carols
four part video series for celebrating Advent at home and Christmas, as we prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Believing Thomas!
Today is how the church disrespects one of her own, and let’s put that right. We considered the Apostle Thomas, hung with moniker “Doubting,” some time ago in the Great Fifty Days of Easter…
Well now, this is interesting. As if 2020 didn’t throw us enough, here comes cosmology too! How many times does God have to wave a divine astrometric hand right in front of us?!
Knock Knock!
Mother Emily and I agree. We both consider the Collect, or gathering prayer, for the Fourth Sunday of Advent to be one of our favorite prayers of the Christian year…
Today, the Fourth and final Sunday in this too-brief Advent, we finally meet her. The Queen of Heaven, Mother of all, Eternally Virginal, Luke’s first Apostle, Theotokos…
Oh, So Many Oh’s!!!
The second of our Advent hymns is brought to you by the letter “O,” as in the well known O Come, O Come Emmanuel!
Repent Part II
Yesterday we met fiery John the Baptizer, calling 1st century Judaism to radical repentance to prepare for the coming of Messiah…
Repent, Part One
Dear readers, may I introduce you to John the Baptizer, the enigmatic 1st century Jewish seer who singlehandedly resuscitated the great Jewish prophetic tradition from its near hibernation…
Stir It Up, L’il Darlin’!
With all due respect to Bob Marley and the Wailers, the Third Sunday in Advent is often nicknamed “Stirrup Sunday” because of the fantastic Collect for this third week of our Advent journey.
You Can’t Really Take It With You
On this Third Sunday of Advent, we mark our third significant Saint’s Feast Day in Advent, the Feast of Saint Lucy or Lucia.
The Gift of the Present Moment
About 100 pounds, rep #8, 3rd set, bench press straight long barbell medal rod….dangling precariously above my exposed head and throat.
Great, Completed, Full
The traditional theme of the Third Sunday in Advent, noted in your Advent bags, is Joy.
Even So Lord
One of the pandemic’s most ravaging larcenies is depriving us of shared musical experiences, and not in some furtive, pilfering manner either. From concerts to live theater, from choirs to festivals, from hymn sing to children’s’ holiday performances, it seems...
I’ve Heard About You Before…
So, let’s do our thing here dear readers ‘cause I want to know some more about honey! Pure honey, which begs me to ask if anyone would dare to market “slightly compromised honey’ after all?!
Surpassing Human Understanding
So, let’s do our thing here dear readers ‘cause I want to know some more about honey! Pure honey, which begs me to ask if anyone would dare to market “slightly compromised honey’ after all?!
Truth to Power and to Us
Truth to Power and to Us We are reflecting together in this brief, intense Advent season on the poignant Advent Sunday Collects. So constitutive, so incisive, so formative for our spiritual (and not so spiritual for that matter) walk though Advent. The Collects...
Wait For It….
Wait for it... Undergirding our weekly Sunday Advent themes are several implicit, transcendent Christian cornerstone experiences. In Advent, as God’s future comes graciously towards us and into view, we are called, literally, to wait. To receive God’s gifting on...
Infamy As we move into this second week of Advent, we pause for what has become a civic version of a saint’s day. Sadly, like so many of our national days, this day marks a tragic and traumatic 80th anniversary. In the early morning of Sunday, December 7th, 1941,...
Holy Saint Nicholas’ Day ___Man!
Today is the second of our significant holiday Saints Day’s, the Feast of Saint Nicholas of Myra. Nicholas is an early church rock star in the Orthodox Christian tradition…
Writhe That Wreath!
Writhe that Wreath So it turns out that one of the oldest, most well attested and most globally evidenced holiday traditions involves that wreath on the table, wall or door. Ancient Greeks made them from bay and cherry laurel leaves to award Olympiad victors in the...
Give Us Grace
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility;…
Ficus Carica
Pardon Me, Do You Have Any Ficus Carica?! Closely aligned with the Great Themes of Advent are multiple symbols of the season, each conveying some profound and often comedic axiom about our faith…
Advent Theme : Hope
The Great Theme of Advent Week One : Hope. Each week in Advent is characterized by a grand biblical theme emblematic of God’s gracious attention to us. As we light the first candle of Advent each day this week, we reflect together on Hope.
Slow Walking Advent
Learn to be open to the Holy Spirit desperately seeking to break into your frenetic world to draw you ever closer to God’s magnificent heart. No breathless, panting Advent schedules. How are you entering into Advent?
Happy Andermas Ye Bonnie Kirk
We interrupt this newly launched Advent devotional blog to mark one of the great festival days on the Christian calendar, the first of several we will celebrate together in the coming weeks. November 30th is the Feast Day of Saint Andrew…
Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan
What’s your Advent plan? Everyone needs a plan, perhaps now more than ever! And since we are not making home deliveries of Advent boxes this year, let’s get us set up for a powerful Advent entry experience into the mysteries of Christmas.
Contact Information
The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration
PO BOX 1000
19 Vail Road
Vail, CO 81658
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